Person, Jeans, Pants, Clothing, Shoe, Military, Military Uniform, Army, Armored, Sitting

Veteran Career Resources

Here at UA, we value the skills and unique perspectives military veterans bring to ​the workplace.  We also recognize the challenges of transitioning to civilian life ​and have identified some useful tools below to help you leverage your skills and experiences gained through active-duty service to advance your civilian career ​here at The University of Alabama.


Outdoors, Plant, Garden, Tree, Grass, Arbour, Door, Building, Tree Trunk, Housing

Military Transitioning Resources

Visit CareerOneStop’s Veteran and Military Transition Center to learn more about accessing employment-related services for veterans. 

Person, Pants, Clothing, Jeans, People, Military, Military Uniform, Architecture, Building, Army

Veterans with Disabilities

Find resources and information to support your successful employment.

Person, Hat, Clothing, Apparel, Military Uniform, Military, Army, Armored

Military to Civilian Career Translator

Enter your military job to find related civilian careers. You'll find career information and links to job postings in your local area.

Clothing, Apparel, Shoe, Footwear, Person, Boot

Military Tool Kit

Find the tool you need to research career information, training, or jobs.

Person, Pants, Clothing, Jeans, People, Military, Military Uniform, Architecture, Building, Army

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